16 Things Not to Say to a College Student During Finals

As UC Davis students get ready for or are in the middle of finals (depending on which program you’re in), we want you to know that  Tandem Properties feels for you. The folks over at HerCampus.com, have 16 things not to say to a college student during finals. Here are the first six:

1. “Why didn’t you start that project earlier?

2. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

3. “When are you going to start studying?

4. “Maybe you should boycott Netflix until finals are over.

5. “Are you sure you haven’t had too much coffee?

6. “I don’t think eating a whole jar of Nutella counts as having dinner.


To see the other 10, go over to HerCampus.com: 16 things not to say to a college student during finals.