Create a Roommate Communications Center
Davis roommates are like family members: they don’t always communicate well. To help keep everyone in your Davis apartment on the same page, create a roommate communications center. has a few suggestions for what you will need:
A Cork Board
A cork board, with plenty of push pins, is useful for handling information you need to refer to for a short time. Receipts, party invitations and reading lists live on mine. The cork board is also a good place to leave phone messages, although I cannot speak to that, since my family doesn’t do messages.
A White Board Shopping List
Having a running shopping list where everyone can see it is a good way to keep track of things that need to be purchased…before it becomes a critical matter Ask your family to add things to these lists when they are needed.
Warning: leaving a shopping list out where children can get to it may result in junk food being added to the shopping list in a chance to bypass parental approval.
Check out the rest of the post for more ideas.