Get the best deals on your UC Davis textbooks.
If you want to find the best online deal on textooks for UC Davis, check out Although UC Davis course, aren’t currently listed in their school menu, you can search for textbook deals by ISBN.
As TechCrunch explains it:
GetchaBooks, founded by three youngsters (two who are still undergrads at Tufts), has just announced an expanded and improved database of classes and books, pushing the number of schools available in their unique interface from 600 to 1,275.
GetchaBooks is different from other services like Chegg and in that the search system is centered around courses. Rather than typing in “Advanced Dance Movement For Accountancy Students” into a search box, you select your school, your courses, and sections. GetchaBooks then searches its database of courses and finds the required reading for each course. and Slugbooks also offer by-course searches as well, although Getchabooks is a bit more streamlined.