Best Places for Hosting Your Friends this Weekend
With UC Davis Picnic Day just two days away and the forecast set to be warm and sunny, we know you’re all looking forward to an awesome weekend just as much as we are. We also know that when the on-campus options wind down, chances are you’ll be looking for a place to keep the fun going.
While we discourage large parties that can cause trouble for everyone involved, we DO encourage our residents wanting to host a few close friends or out-of-town family to please talk to your manager about great ways to do so at our communities.
Alcohol is never permitted outside your apartment, but most Tandem properties offer BBQ areas, community pools, and a reservable club house space meant specifically for residents to use to host small private social gatherings. Check out Adobe at Evergreen’s clubhouse featured in this video and contact your Tandem management team about availability at your community for your next private event:
Have a safe and wonderful weekend, Aggies! Please be responsible and know your liabilities before agreeing to host in your Davis apartment.
Picnic Day is a great Aggie tradition, let’s keep it that way!