Leaving Your Davis Apartment to Move Overseas

Occasionally in life, you hit a point where feel you’re faced with a rare or once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It may be to study with a world-renowned expert in your field or poke your nose into a different corner of the globe. No matter how much you’re enjoying life in Davis, it’s important to remember that there’s a big wide world out there, just waiting to be explored.

Rome, ItalyI left New York at 34 because every bone in my body could feel that the window was closing. If my husband and I didn’t leave then, we would certainly remain stuck forever, twenty minutes from where we were born (in the same hospital, three months apart). At the time I worked as a community organizer and I taught at Fordham University but we needed change. So I quit and off we went to Rome, with no prospect of work and nowhere to live.

To read more about the experiences of an expatriate in Rome, read the rest of this article at studentadvisor.com.