Safe and Sane Grease Disposal Is Only a Phone Call Away for Woodland Residents
Woodland has a neat new program to help residents (not businesses) save big bucks on plumber’s bills. Throwing grease down your drain is a great way to clog your pipes and pollute the environment (and make a big, stinky mess). Now the City of Woodland’s Water Pollution Control Facility has an alternative solution that will save you money and aggravation.
Also, wipe out pots and pans with a paper towel before doing dishes – you will use less soap and decrease clogs. Recycle your cooking oil and cooking grease… City of Woodland residents can recycle their cooking oil and grease free at the City of Woodland’s Water Pollution Control Facility. Appointments are needed and oil will be accepted Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (closed holidays). The City of Woodland Water Pollution Control Facility is located at 42929 County Road 24 (east of the intersection of Gibson Road and County Road 102). Click here for a map. This recycling service is being provided by the City of Woodland Public Works Pollution Prevention Program, and North State Rendering Company Inc. To schedule an appointment, please call 530-661-2058. |
More info is available online.