Funny Signs from around the World
Here’s your daily funny. Life on and around the UC Davis campus can be pretty predictable sometimes, and a little levity can make your day.
To that end, our friends from Travel & Leisure Magazine have culled some amusing and questionable signage from around the world. we don’t understand all of them (including the ones to the left and right), but some of them are pretty hilarious.
Sometimes the humor comes in the use (or lack) of questionable punctuation, such as one sign that reads CAUTION PEDESTRIANS SLIPPERY WHEN WET. A couple of commas would clarify that it is not, in fact, the pedestrians that are slippery when wet. (We hope.)
Others are intentionally funny, like one posted to deter would-be parking violators from taking a reserved spot:AIR WILL BE TAKEN OUT OF TIRES AND LICENSE PLATES REMOVED FROM UNAUTHORIZED PARKERS. If that doesn’t stop you, nothing will.
Have you run across any signs in Davis or other places that made you say, “Huh?”