Who Knew? UC Davis Is a Hotbed of Zombie and Vampire Energy Experts!
We don’t know why, but this struck us as hilarious.
Did you know that UC Davis has experts in such Halloweeny topics as zombies, vampires, bats and bugs, spooky decor, candy consumption, and “pumpkin science”? We didn’t either.
While trolling the ‘net in search of the arcane and amusing, we tripped over this UCD news and info web page that lists UC Davis professors who are available to news and media sources every October to comment on various aspects of our favorite creepy-crawly holiday. (For the record, professor Sarah Juliet Lauro, pictured in a Davis Enterprise photo below, is the zombie expert and editor of the book Better off Dead: The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human.)
Viewed through this lens, the stodgy and academic subjects of plant science, sports nutrition, design, English, pest management, and energy are suddenly sexy.