Insurance Inventory Your Davis Apartment
Most people make it through life without ever having to make a renter’s insurance claim. If you are one of the tiny minority of people in a Tandem apartment in Davis who ever needs to claim a lost, damaged or stolen item, your insurance company will ask for a detailed inventory of what you’re asking them to replace. Are you ready?
If you lost all of your belongings today in a fire, would you be able to recall every item you had in your apartment? Could you account for every book, piece of clothing, and knickknack you owned? Chances are, you would forget about the majority of your things, or it would take you an inordinate amount of time to recall the items you did notice were missing. Instead of risking this hassle, you can prepare for disaster by making a home inventory. A home inventory is a list of every item in your home and a brief description of each item. When/if you need to file a claim on your renter’s insurance, you can consult your home inventory to make the process easier. Here are the three main reasons why you should maintain an up-to-date home inventory:
- Expedite the claims process. Trying to remember each and every item in your apartment after a major loss is a painstaking and time-consuming ordeal. When a disaster strikes, you will want to get your claim filed and settled as quickly as possible so you can restore your belongings and move on with your life. A current home inventory will make the process infinitely smoother, as you will have a prepared document detailing the nature of your losses for your insurer. You won’t have to spend days figuring out what you’re missing, which means you will be reimbursed for your losses sooner.
For more tips on making a renter’s insurance inventory of your Tandem apartment in Davis, please visit