Tech Tuesday: Outsource Your Chores to The Internet with These Handy Services
Your time is money. Sometimes technology can gobble up as much time as it saves. Other times tech can save you HUGE chunks of time.
Over at, they’ve created an infographic that details the personal costs and time for you doing common chores and the cost of online services that will allow you to outsource a lot of the drudgery in your life. If you won’t do it for yourself, think about your roommates (if you have them). Chipping in for one of these service could eliminate many chore-related disagreements with your roommates. Think of it as an investment in your collective mental health.
In addition to the national chains mentioned in the infographic (it is from 2012), you should check out local alternatives. For example in Davis, The Laundry Lounge (located right across the street from our beautifully renovated Anderson Place Apartments) will go to your door to pick up and deliver your laundry, clean and neatly folded. All for a very reasonable price. How much is your time worth?
Here’s the full infographic (click to expand or right-click to save):
Infographic: How to Outsource Your Life | Dashlane