Fun and Cheap Ways to Decorate Your Apartment
Once you have a semblance of order and normalcy in your new Tandem apartment, you’ll probably start casting baleful glances at the plain white walls and beige carpeting. (Just think of the neutral color scheme as your blank canvas.) Here are some fun and funky suggestions from to decorate your new home on the cheap and put your unique stamp on the place.
Just be sure and ask your management team first before you do anything (semi)permanent like painting.
1. Paint is your new best friend.
If your landlord allows it, paint an accent wall. Something bright will create a focal point for the room, with minimal effort. Chalkboard paint is a good interactive option… after a couple of beers your guests are sure to grab some chalk and write something funny. It’s better than writing on the walls with permanent marker like we did in college.

2. Not allowed to paint the walls?
There are lots of alternatives. Use paint chips to decorate a wall. Or hang temporary “wallpaper” using fabric and liquid starch (check out the simple tutorial here. Just like paint, these techniques will have a big impact, especially in a small room.
3. Hang interesting things on the walls.
Are we noticing a pattern here? Doing something to the wall is the easiest and most noticeable way to improve the look and feel of your apartment. Do you have a collection of some sort? Mount it on the wall. Grouping things together makes them seem organized and intentional.
If you aren’t a collector, frame something related to your job or hobby. Are you a musician? Frame some old sheet music. Work at an ad agency? Tear out your favorite advertisements from magazines and frame them. Other great things that you can hang on the wall include maps, beer bottle caps, playing cards and ticket stubs from events that you’ve attended over the years.
4. Bring the outdoors in.
Head to the nearest public park and grab some pine cones to put in a bowl, or pick up a couple of pine branches that are laying on the ground and stick them in a vase or jar. Interesting rocks also make cool door stops. Or book ends. Or paper weights. Again, totally free.
And don’t stop there! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – buy a plant. Or five. They make a room feel more alive and also improve the air quality. Home Depot has many house plants under $10.

5. Repurpose a picture frame.
Use an old frame to make a tray, and then use that tray to corral the contents of your coffee table. Clutter suddenly becomes a collection of meaningful items, rather than random stuff you don’t feel like putting away. To make a tray from an old frame, simply place a decorative piece of paper in the frame (wrapping paper will work) and add metal handles to each side.
Looking for more inspiring and cheap ideas? Click on the link above to read the rest of the story.