Making your home office work.

If you are setting up your home office, has a few tips to make sure there’s no place like your home office.

Having a separate room to dedicate to study space is a real luxury, and often not practical or realistic. If this is the case in your home, can you carve out part of a room? Take a look at some clever alternatives for inspiration:

  • Closets and shelves can be re-organized and used for office purposes as described on
  • Unused corners of your home can be partitioned off and reassigned as work space as illustrated on
  • In the smallest spaces, it may be necessary to pack your office away when it’s not in use. The “office in a chest” example from focuses on thoughtful organization and easy access.

Check out the whole article for more home office tips. While you’re at it, check out’s 21 Ideas for Organizing Your Home Office.