Signs That an Adult Lives Here
Morphing into adulthood is a gradual process. Some UC Davis students attain maturity Nirvana sooner than others. But if you feel you’re on the cusp (or if you just want to fool a prospective SO or parent), HuffPo has some steps you can take to feather your Tandem Properties nest in a way that will fool even the most discerning eye.
How do you know if you’re an actual adult? These days, it can be hard to tell. We’ve known people who are definitely of an adult age, in an adult relationship and hold an actual career, but had the maturity level somewhere south of 15. Unofficially, we’ve determined that the condition of one’s apartment or home can tell you if you’re in the company of a real, genuine grown-up, or someone who still thinks of a Bob Marley poster as high art. No pun intended.
Actual hand towels in the bathroom. Not bath towels.
Flickr photo by kpwerker
Framed art and/or photos. Not taped or tacked onto the wall. And definitely no Bob Marley memorabilia.
Flickr photo by Decor8
Matching dishes. Even if they’re from IKEA. We all know the difference between “stylishly mismatched” and “I’ve had these since college, as denoted by all the chipped edges. P.s. There might be ceramic in that soup.”
Flickr photo by sassyradish
An actual bed — not a mattress-on-the-floor situation. Bonus points for bedding beyond a comforter and flat pillows.
Flickr photo by Holley & Gill
The right glasses for the right beverages. At the very least, actual wine glasses. Because no one wants to drink their wine out of a Charlie Brown mug.
Flickr photo by Dinner Series
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