"Just in Case" Cell Phone App Helps Those Struggling through the Holidays (and Any Other Time)
Everyone occasionally feels the avalanche effects of not being able to cope. The holidays can be especially stressful. This time of year, the three “f-word” triggers of finals, friends/family, and financial concerns often coalesce into the perfect storm of what we like to call….
If you or a friend feels overwhelmed, or even just a little whelmed, UC Davis has a nifty new app that can help you bleed some of your stress away, or find help to deal with it. Called “Just in Case,” the seven-choice menu leads you through options to help deal with anything from minor-league blues to a major league storm. According to UC Davis news:
Just in Case offers a menu of seven simply worded choices including: “I’m struggling to cope,” “I’m worried about a friend,” and “I might hurt myself.” From there, the resource helps students assess feelings and behaviors and guides them to appropriate resources on the campus and in the community.
The website, which operates on all major smartphone platforms, was developed in partnership with NASPA, the national association for student affairs administrators in higher education.
“The time for mobile delivery of these critical resources is here,” says Kevin Kruger, president of the association. “Several recent high-profile cases have told us that support for a student undergoing crisis is critical on an ‘anywhere, anytime’ basis. But equally important is support for a friend or roommate who may be in a position to intervene and assist in the process of getting help.”
The Student Mental Health initiative at UC Davis is providing:
- online confidential mental-health screening and consultation for students;
- presentations to students, faculty and staff on recognizing and responding to students in distress;
- printed guides and resources to help faculty and staff assist students in need of mental health support;
- enhancement of peer support and peer education programs;
- a social marketing campaign to reduce the stigma of seeking mental health services; and
- enhanced training to help staff of Student Health and Counseling Services improve prevention and treatment of mental health issues.
At UC Davis, Counseling Services offers confidential and free assessment, intervention and referral services for students, and consultation and crisis response for employees, students and parents. Through presentations and Web resources, the unit also offers guidance in identifying and responding to distressed or distressing students.
Student Health and Counseling Services provides urgent care for medical and mental health needs. After hours, students can receive counseling consultations at (530) 752-0871 or talk to an advice nurse at (530) 752-2300.
We here at Tandem care about all our residents and want you to have a healthy and happy year with us. If you or someone you know is having trouble coping, please download this app and get in touch with someone who can help. Stay safe everyone!