Keep Your Car Safe

As you already know, Davis is a very safe town. What little crime we have is usually opportunity-based. If a thief has a choice between breaking into a car with an iPad on the seat, and one that’s empty, guess which one he’s going to choose?

Below, the Davis Police Department offers some quick and easy steps you can take to help ensure that your car stays safe.

– Remove all valuables from your car. 
– If you must leave something in the car, the safest place to keep your valuables while you are out and about is in the locked trunk. 
– Lock all doors and roll up windows. Not just sometimes, but ALL THE TIME. 
– Set any alarm or anti-theft device, if you have one. 
– Report suspicious activity such as persons looking into car windows or testing door handles (530-747-5400). 
– Never leave your vehicle running and unattended – even for just a minute. 
– Do not leave a GPS system or satellite radio in plain view, not even the dock. 
– Carry your registration and insurance card with you. Don’t leave personal identification documents or credit cards in your vehicle. 
Lastly, remember that YOU are an important partner in the fight against crime. You should not only incorporate these practices into your daily routine, but also encourage friends, co-workers, and neighbors to join the crime prevention effort as well. Active and engaged citizens help to create a safer city for all. 

Got questions? You can contact the city of Davis Police Department or UC Davis Police Department.