Network Your Way to a Job through UC Davis Alumni Connections

We know you have a lot on your mind right now: midterms, finding the perfect apartment for next year, figuring out how to conserve water in this major drought. You don’t need the pressure of finding a job or internship on top of it. For heaven’s sake, it’s only February! But as with many other things in life, it’s never too early to start. has a painless way to get your foot in the door.

If you’re looking for work, LinkedIn can show you which companies hire from your school often so you can connect with them.

All you have to do is make sure you’ve added your education to LinkedIn. From there, LinkedIn will do the rest, even showing you the employers who hire most frequently from your school:

Wondering where all your college classmates went? Wish you could quickly find companies who hire from the university you attended? You’re in luck. LinkedIn’s buffed-up Education feature works wonders for answering these questions in a flash.

First, you’ll need to ensure you’ve added your college studies (even if you didn’t graduate) in your Education section. Then, use the drop-down menu under Interests to click on Education. The “Find Alumni” selection under the Network menu option does the same thing.

You’ll see a host of options, but click on the main one, called “See Your School.” Voila! The first page will show the top 3 employers and functions of your college cohorts. Click on “Where they work” to get results sliced and diced by location, company names, and job functions.

Additionally, you can click any one of those companies to see what those classmates do and where they live currently, assuming all of that information is public (or you’re connected to them.) It’s a great way to find out what your old classmates are up to, or what types of jobs those companies hire graduates from your school to do.