New Note-Taking Strategies for Success

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A crucial component to doing well in school is effective note-taking. Each brain works in different ways, and the notes method that helps your roommate their straight-A average, may not make any sense to you. (And vice versa.) LifeHack has some great strategies to try in this new quarter that may give a lift to your GPA.

This is one of the most effective note taking strategies, according to experts. It’s also known as Cornell Method. In this method, all you need to do is partition your notebook into 2 parts, as shown in sample below. The smaller 2 column can be used for the highlighting. Use the column on the right for the most important materials and what you think will be tested. The result of this strategy is that you have enough content to scan when the time comes for you to do so.

2-6 Notes Taking Method

Split Page Technique

Since what you learn in class is only comparable to what exists in textbooks, you need to activate two parts in your notebook with a straight separating line. Here, all you have to do is take class notes on one side and textbook material on the other side. When you’re revising, you will be able to have materials from both sides integrated. You can also add a set of questions to ask the professor in a third partition on the page. You can also use Wiki for better note taking.

Use Group Notes

You also need to activate other people’s perspectives insofar as notes are concerned, especially when you don’t feel like taking notes during class. When you don’t have to take notes in class, make sure that you’re totally active in class and attentive, as this will aid you further when you review all of your notes before a test. You could also take a few notes of the crucial parts during class time.

Identify noteworthy sections of lesson

Not everything you hear in class should go to your notebook. Some material is better left out. Hence, when you’re taking class notes, make sure the materials are actually worthy of reviewing or reading. Once this is done, you should consider reading or retyping all the lecture notes and removing the irrelevant parts as you strive to keep the a logical sequence of work done. Experts recommend going over the work within the first 24 hours of the lesson to improve the retention rate.

Use more color

For effective note taking, use of different ink and color also adds up to value received. In fact, researchers associate retention to between 50-80 percent when different ink is used to make notes.

Want more great note-taking ideas? Click on the link above.