How to Recover from Spring Break
Whether you spent spring break cleaning out your closets or climbing El Capitan, it can be really hard to get back in the school groove after a whole week off. If you found yourself sleeping through your alarm this morning and stumbling blindly toward the coffee house, here are some tips from on how to re-engage and be your best self for this last push through spring quarter.
Vacation can be a great time, but it’s never good for your sleep habits. There are a variety of reasons why you might get less sleep on vacation, from being high on excitement, to having a bedfellow keeping you up. Either way, you need a serious nap. We’re talking 10-15 hours of pillow time before you even try to function as a normal human being again. Studies show that a weeklong lack of sleep can actually be recouped by getting some extra shut-eye a few days later. Go to bed at 6:00pm if you have to. Do whatever it takes to refill your sleep debt and you’ll be a new person for Monday classes.
Eat Your Greens
Now is the time to remind your body that you still love and appreciate it. You can do this with insane amounts of green things. We’re talking kale, spinach, broccoli, and arugula. Step away from the bread, pasta, and potatoes, and move towards the rabbit food. The faster you get your body the nutrients it needs, the faster it will forgive you for what you’ve just put it through. If you’re attending one of those schools that tortures its students by offering midterms after spring break, you’re going to need to get your brain and body back before you can even contemplate studying!
You probably just fried your skin under the Mexican sunshine, suffocated your liver with cervesa and even soaked your body in the salty sea. Don’t worry; you can undo the dehydration damage by quickly refilling your electrolyte stores, and by slowly rehydrating your body. Start with drinks like coconut water to help with electrolytes, and pair it with potassium-filled bananas and protein-rich nut butters. Be sure to drink 10-12 ounces of water about every hour to help your body come back to life and you’ll be back in business in no time!
For more tips and suggestions, follow the link above.