UC Davis Campus Life: Reducing stress
At Tandem Properties we know that many of our Davis apartment residents have jobs on the UC Davis campus or at UC Davis sites off campus. Recently the UC Davis campus has been jolted by a lot of changes which can be very stressful for our residents who work at UCD.
UC Davis is offering workshops in stress reduction for UCD workers.
There will be five sessions of “Stress and Resilience,” all on Wednesdays and all from 1:30 to 3 p.m.:
- July 20 — Hamilton Room, Heitman Staff Learning Center
- Aug. 24 — Hamilton Room
- Sept. 21 — Hamilton Room
- Oct. 19 — Hamilton Room
- Nov. 16 — 136 Hoagland Hall
‘Managing Staff Through Transition’
The organizers said this workshop is vitally important for managers and supervisors, to help them understand how their employees experience change and to help the managers and supervisors develop skills for assisting staff through transition.
“‘Managing Staff Through Transition’ is a highly interactive course designed specifically to help managers and supervisors develop tools and strategies to address the human aspects of change,” the organizers said.
The facilitators are Karen Hull, associate vice chancellor for Human Resources, and Lisa Terry, director of organizational development and communications for the Shared Services Implementation Team.
Topics include how to:
- Lead staff through strategic change initiatives.
- Recognize the way employees respond to change.
- Develop coaching skills needed to help employees deal with constant change and loss.
Three sessions are scheduled, all on Thursdays and all from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Hamilton Room at the Heitman Staff Learning Center:
- Aug. 25
- Oct. 6
- Oct. 27
The transition to shared services
SDPS and the Shared Services Implementation Team are continuing to present Managing Through the Transition to Shared Services, a course that offers regular updates on the development of the shared service center.
The series began in March, and 115 managers and supervisors have attended one or more of the four updates that have been held so far.
Six more updates are scheduled between now and the end of the year, all from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Hamilton Room at the Heitman Staff Learning Center:
- Thursday, July 28
- Friday, Aug. 26
- Thursday, Sept. 15
- Wednesday, Nov. 16
- Thursday, Nov. 17
- Thursday, Dec. 1
Registration is limited to managers and supervisors in the units that are participating in the shared service center.
For more info, read here.