Davis Apartment Search Calendar: Your Housing Checklist
At Tandem, we like to compare your housing selection to your decision to attend UC Davis. This decision will impact you each day, there are a lot of options, and the process can seem both exciting…and a little overwhelming.
Also like your college search, you probably didn’t make the decision in a day. A series of small steps and deadlines helped you to reach your goal of choosing the perfect college.
Keeping that in mind can help you manage the complex task of finding off-campus apartment housing in Davis–and your friends at Tandem are here to help!
Finding Your Davis Apartment: What to Do
Last week in our housing quick tip series, we shared our go-to Guide to Getting Started with your Davis apartment search. The guide contains our printable Wants vs. Needs and Budget worksheets and can be downloaded in our post located here.
Finding Your Davis Apartment: When to Get Started
Equally important to knowing the steps involved in the housing process is knowing when to implement them. For this week’s housing quick tip, we are sharing our Davis Apartment Search Calendar. Use this as your go-to-guide for when and how to get started.
Our November Housing Checklist Items Include
- Attend the Fall Off-Campus Housing Presentations at UC Davis
- Print and complete our Wants vs. Needs and Budget worksheets in our downloadable Guide to Getting Started.
- Subscribe to Tandem’s email contact list to be notified when we start leasing for fall housing
- Follow us on Facebook or @tandemproperties on Instagram for more Davis apartment housing quick tips
The Full Housing Checklist
Davis Apartment Search Calendar
View the full-size image of the Davis Housing Checklist here.